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Expert Flute Repairs

As a flutist, you understand the importance of maintaining your flute in pristine condition to achieve the best possible sound quality. That's where Flute Center steps in with its Expert Flute Repair service, providing a seamless and reliable solution to keep your flute in excellent shape. Read on for a step-by-step guide to instrument repairs at the Flute Center.

Step 1: Set the Date 

The repair process begins with setting up a flute repair appointment time that suits your convenience. Flute Center makes this task effortless by offering a simple online scheduler.

Schedule Your Repair Online

Call Chicago: (312) 621-7100

Call New York: (212) 307-9737

Step 2: Send It In

Once you've scheduled your repair appointment, it's essential that your flute arrives at least 24 hours before the designated time. This ensures that the skilled technicians at Flute Center have ample time to assess and repair your instrument effectively. Whether you choose to deliver it personally or ship it, our team will be ready to receive and begin the repair process promptly.

Step 3: Time for the Magic

During your scheduled repair appointment, our highly skilled technicians will meticulously assess and repair your flute. Whether it's a standard COA (Clean, Oil, Adjust) or a complete overhaul, you can rest assured that your flute is in capable hands. 

Step 4: Put It to the Test

Once the skilled technicians have repaired your flute, it undergoes a crucial step—play-testing by Flute Center's experienced Resident Flutists. They put your instrument through its paces to ensure it meets their high standards of quality and performance. Only when your flute earns their stamp of approval will it be ready for pick up or return shipment.

Step 5: Play On! 

At Flute Center, your satisfaction and peace of mind are of utmost importance. That's why we offer service guarantees to ensure that you can continue playing your flute confidently. COA-level repairs come with a 90-day Standard Service Guarantee, while overhauls come with a comprehensive 12-month Concierge Service Guarantee. Should any issues arise within these periods, Flute Center is dedicated to providing assistance and resolving them promptly.

Keeping your flute in excellent condition is essential for any flutist striving for optimal performance. With the Flute Center's Expert Flute Repair service, getting your flute repaired is a seamless experience. From convenient appointment scheduling to guaranteed repair timelines, the Flute Center ensures that your flute receives the care and attention it deserves. 


Neyland Clark

Any recommendations on how to ship my flute(s) to you?

janet furco

Can you give me an approximate cost for repairs-standard COA or complete overhaul-

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