We all need a lift sometimes, and what better way to brighten your mood then with flute music? Here's a list of our picks for the most joyful flute music. We hope it will inspire you to #keepfluting, even when times get tough.
J.S Bach Cello Suites
Bach’s cello suites are among the most soothing and relaxing pieces of music to learn. (Although difficult, yes.) They are undoubtedly beautiful and Amy Porter does an amazing job at transforming the luscious cello lines into gorgeous flute music!
Ian Clarke - Zoom Tube
Ian Clarke’s music is fun, adventurous and sometimes wild, and Zoom Tube is certainly no exception! This rhythmic blues inspired piece does use quite a few extended techniques, so if you need some brushing up, take a look at the next recommendation!
Robert Dick - Tone Development through extended technique
Learning new techniques in my opinion, always brings joy! You might find yourself scratching your head, thinking, what am I doing; you might end up laughing at a few things; you might be thinking, can I do this? No matter what’s going through your head, you are bound to have a good time learning something completely new!
Play Alongs
We have dozens of Play Alongs that could fit perfectly into your repertoire! They are definitely fun and have the ability to “take you around the world!”
Best of the Beatles
Who doesn’t love the Beatles?! This book contains over 90 Fab Four favorites. 90! These hits will absolutely put a smile on your face; too bad you can’t sing along at the same time!
Alaunde Copley-Woods - Chickens In the Garden
The name alone suggests a fun and quirky playing experience. Lighthearted yet intelligent, Chickens in the Garden is a great piece for Flute and Alto Flute!
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